Monday, November 14, 2005

Dreadful taste in music - FACT

I've just installed a (hopefully benign) bit of Spyware on my machine that will enable all you people (yes YOU people) to see what I've been listening to. I hope you're all excited!

Now rush off over to my user page and start asking questions like 'Who?', 'What?' and 'Why?'.


At 7:06 pm, Blogger wayland2002 said...

Thats really freaky.

At 8:31 pm, Blogger 01-811-8055 said...

What, the web site spying on me, or my appaling decade-old music taste?

At 10:40 am, Blogger Rick said...

that's cooool. Can you hook it up to i-tunes? I'd love people to see how 80s my music taste is.

At 2:13 pm, Blogger 01-811-8055 said...

rickb: Looks like it, yes, on PC and Mac. I haven't tried it though...

fur q: I need to go out in a bit, so I've put them on to play about 50 times. That ought to redress the balance (and piss of the neighbours).

At 10:38 am, Blogger hungbunny said...

You are my friend.


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